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150 times the strength of the Hiroshima bomb. Information you won't believe about the "doomsday" torpedo Putin is thinking of using


150 times the strength of the Hiroshima bomb.  Information you won't believe about the "doomsday" torpedo Putin is thinking of using   A report revealed fears that Russian President Vladimir Putin could review his military strength by testing a massive nuclear torpedo called Poseidon.    The nuclear missile

150 times the strength of the Hiroshima bomb. 

Information you won't believe about the "doomsday" torpedo Putin is thinking of using

A report revealed fears that Russian President Vladimir Putin could review his military strength by testing a massive nuclear torpedo called Poseidon.

The nuclear missile 

is said to have a strength of 150 times that of the nuclear bomb that landed on Hiroshima and possesses an enormous nuclear power causing about 500 metres of wave height.

  • NATO issued an intelligence report to its members
  • and allies warning that the Kremlin plans to test so-called
  • doomsday" nuclear torpedo drones, according to the New York Post.

Russia claims that this torpedo is capable of concealing underwater,escaping all defensive devices, eliminating entire cities and erasing Britain from the face of the earth.

This torpedo can be installed in two Russian submarines

and each submarine can be installed 6 torpedoes and weighs tens of tons.

The precision and strength of this torpedo is called the "doomsday rocket", because it is capable of completely erasing cities and is capable of causing very high and high waves.
