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Away from earthquakes. Famous Dutch scientist warns of Bill Gates


Away from earthquakes.

Famous Dutch scientist warns of Bill Gates

Dutch scientist Frank Hogerbets, renowned for predicting earthquakes, warned of

an American scientific project known as "Blackout the Sun", which aims to

combat global warming that threatens the future of the planet.

Hogretz warned that the project's completion

would be reflected in disasters and diseases on the ground.

"I thought global:

warming was caused by humans, not the sun. If the plans of

  • Gates (Bill Gates) continue, this will ultimately cause catastrophe and major
  • disease, because the Earth and all forms of life on it depend entirely on

The Sun Blackout is a scientific project :

  • from Harvard University aimed at blocking the Sun by spraying millions of
  • tons of calcium carbonate dust in the upper layer of the atmosphere
  • to mitigate the Sun's rays and cool the Earth.

The researchers  :

are testing what they described as "cloud injections"

over the oceans with small droplets to make them brighter by spraying

the stratified atmosphere with a material that makes air a hood of the sun

reflecting some of the sun's rays and heat into space, and protecting

the Earth from the repercussions of warming climate.

According to :

information about the project :

Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, allocated $ 300 thousand to the company

overseeing the "injection clouds" project, and supported a project led

by Harvard University to spray these chemicals into the atmosphere over Sweden

but the project was abandoned at an early stage

after protests from indigenous groups.
